
Fat Freezing

Fat freezing is a FDA approved treatment that works by freezing fat cells and permanently destroying them. Clinical studies have shown the treatment to be effective in reducing 20-40% of fat cells in just one session! It helps get rid of fat deposits that won’t budge with diet and exercise alone. It works best in conjunction with dieting and a healthy lifestyle in order to reap the full rewards.

Radio frequency treatment (£30) also works well to complement this treatment and enhance results.

A gel membrane is applied to the area being treated and a handle is then placed on top which is connected to the machine. The handle sucks up the fat and gets to work! The fat cells are frozen which results in them permanently dying and they are flushed out via the body’s lymphatic system.

45 minutes so be sure to bring a book or something to keep you entertained!

The number of sessions needed will vary from person to person depending on what the goals are and how receptive the person is to the treatment. It could be up to 3 treatments and full results can take up to 12 weeks to appear after each treatment.

Fat freezing is generally a painless treatment. The skin will feel cold during the treatment and might tingle. You might also feel a slight pinch as the skin is sucked up into the vacuum but the treatment should not hurt.

Full results can take up to 12 weeks to appear after each treatment.

  • Increase water intake – aim to drink at least 2 litres a day to help with the ‘flushing’ out of the crystalised lipids in the fat cells
  • Follow a healthy, balanced diet
  • Avoid/reduce alcohol intake (for as long as possible)
  • Avoid heat treatments (saunas, steam rooms, sunbeds etc.) for 24 hours
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for up to 48 hours


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